EPBGV063 Series Helical Gear Reducer

EPBGV063 Series Helical Gear Reducer

The BGV063 series helical gear reducer stands as a pivotal component in the realm of food processing machinery, particularly in ice cream machines. This series is distinguished by its incorporation of helical gears, a design choice that offers numerous benefits over traditional gear systems.

Composition and Construction

  1. Helical Gears: At the heart of the BGV063 series are the helical gears, which are gears with teeth that are set at an angle (as opposed to straight like in spur gears). This design allows for more teeth to be in contact during operation, which distributes the load more evenly.
  2. Material Quality: The gears are typically constructed from high-grade steel or similar alloys, which are known for their strength and durability. This choice of material ensures that the gear reducer can withstand the rigors of continuous operation in ice cream machines.
  3. Compact Design: Despite the robustness of its construction, the BGV063 series is designed to be compact. This small footprint makes it ideal for integration into ice cream machines where space can be at a premium.
  4. Simplified Structure: The simplicity of its design means fewer components are susceptible to wear and tear, thereby reducing the likelihood of mechanical failure and simplifying maintenance and repair processes.

Industrial Implications

  1. Operational Consistency: The consistent operation provided by the BGV063 series means that ice cream producers can rely on a constant quality of product, which is essential for maintaining brand reputation and customer satisfaction.
  2. Ease of Maintenance: The simplicity of the design makes maintenance routines straightforward, minimizing downtime and potential loss of production.
  3. Adaptability: While specifically advantageous for ice cream machines, the characteristics of the BGV063 series make it adaptable to other food processing applications where similar requirements for efficiency, space-saving, and quiet operation are valued.
  4. Cost-Effectiveness: The combination of durability, energy efficiency, and reduced maintenance requirements contribute to a lower total cost of ownership, making the BGV063 series a cost-effective solution for ice cream production.

The BGV063 series helical gear reducer is a finely tuned, efficient, and reliable component ideally suited for use in ice cream machines. Its helical gears offer superior performance in terms of power transmission efficiency, noise reduction, and vibration control. The series’ compact size and simple structure ensure it fits seamlessly into ice cream production environments, offering stability and durability. For businesses in the food processing industry, especially those specializing in ice cream, the BGV063 series represents a blend of technical sophistication and practical design, contributing significantly to the quality of their products and the efficiency of their operations.

Product Characteristics

  1. The compact body structure is suitable for installation in various environments;
  2. Fully synthetic lubricating oil with long service life;
  3. The stainless steel aluminum body is sprayed with plasticon the surface, making it more corrosion-resistant;
  4. Simple structure, high transmission efficiency, stable operation, good noise reduction effect, compact size, strong corrosion resistance, and long service life.

Technical Parameter

Speed ratio: 2.10—4.95

External Dimensions

The BGV063 series helical gear reducer is a finely engineered component crucial in specific industrial machinery, particularly in the domain of cold food processing. Its specialized design and functionality make it an ideal fit for equipment like ice machines and ice cream machines, where precision, reliability, and efficiency are paramount.

Application in Ice Machines

  1. Function in Ice Production: In ice machines, the BGV063 series helical gear reducer plays a critical role in the mechanical process of ice formation. The reducer's primary function is to control the movement and speed of various parts of the machine, such as conveyors or augers, which are involved in the ice-making process.
  2. High Efficiency and Torque Management: The helical design of the gears within the reducer allows for efficient transmission of torque with minimal energy loss. This efficiency is crucial in ice machines, where consistent and reliable power transmission is needed for continuous ice production.
  3. Durability in Cold Environments: Given the cold operating environment of ice machines, the BGV063 series is designed to withstand low temperatures without a loss in performance. Its construction materials and lubricants are selected to maintain functionality in cold conditions.
  4. Noise Reduction: The helical gears in the BGV063 series operate more quietly than traditional spur gears, a significant advantage in settings where noise reduction is important, such as in consumer-facing locations.

Application in Ice Cream Machines

  1. Mixing and Churning Processes: In ice cream machines, the BGV063 series is integral to the mixing and churning mechanisms. The reducer adjusts the speed and torque of the mixing blades or paddles, ensuring a consistent mixture that is key to the quality of the final product.
  2. Handling Varying Loads: Ice cream production involves varying consistencies as ingredients are mixed and frozen. The BGV063 series is adept at handling these changing loads, providing a stable output throughout the process.
  3. Compact and Hygienic Design: The design of the BGV063 series is compact, making it suitable for integration into ice cream machines where space can be limited. Additionally, the design considers hygiene – a critical factor in food processing equipment.

Working Area

Working Area

Inspection Equipment

Inspection Equipment

Key Features of the BGV063 Series in These Applications

  1. High Transmission Efficiency: The helical gears ensure optimal power transmission, which is essential for the energy-intensive processes of ice and ice cream production.
  2. Reliability and Consistency: The BGV063 series is known for its reliability, a crucial factor in continuous production processes where downtime can be costly.
  3. Customizable Output Speeds: The gear reducer can be tailored to provide different output speeds, accommodating a range of production requirements.
  4. Ease of Maintenance: The design of the BGV063 series facilitates easy maintenance, ensuring that the machines can be kept in optimal working condition with minimal downtime.
  5. Versatility: Beyond ice and ice cream machines, the BGV063 series can be adapted for other applications within the food processing industry, demonstrating its versatility.

The BGV063 series helical gear reducer is a vital component in the efficient and reliable operation of both ice machines and ice cream machines. Its design and construction cater to the specific needs of these applications, including efficient power transmission, durability in cold environments, noise reduction, and handling varying loads. The series exemplifies precision engineering tailored to meet the rigorous demands of the food processing industry, ensuring that machinery operates at peak efficiency with consistent quality output. For manufacturers in these sectors, the BGV063 series represents a blend of performance, reliability, and adaptability, making it an indispensable part of their production processes.

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1. Große Produktionskapazität und schnelle Lieferung.
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7. Professionelle Hersteller bieten wettbewerbsfähige Preise.
8. Vielfältige, erfahrene Fachkräfte.


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Ein solches Engagement hat uns geholfen, das Vertrauen der Kunden zu gewinnen und die weltweit bevorzugte Marke zu werden.

Paket & Vorlaufzeit

Größe: Zeichnungen
Holzkiste/Container und Palette, oder nach kundenspezifischen Spezifikationen.
15-25 Tage Muster. 30-45 Tage offcial Bestellung
Hafen: Shanghai/Ningbo Hafen


An den Kunden

Ist der Einkauf in China rentabel?
China ist nach wie vor einer der größten Lieferanten der Welt. Die Produkte, die Sie ausgewählt haben, sind auf Ihren Zielmärkten sicher profitabel, da China die Welt mit wettbewerbsfähiger Qualität und Preisen beliefert.

2) Muss ich nach China reisen, um Produkte zu kaufen?
Wir kümmern uns um alles für Sie, so dass Sie Flugkosten, Hotels und Reisekosten sparen können. Wenn Sie sich jedoch entscheiden, China zu besuchen, werden wir versuchen, Ihnen einen wunderbaren Aufenthalt zu arrangieren, so dass Ihre Reiseerfahrung angenehm sein wird.

3) Welche Art von Produkten liefern Sie?
Eine breite Palette von Produkten für Industrie, Automobil und Landwirtschaft. Jedes Produkt ist einem spezialisierten Team zugeordnet.

4) Welche Risiken bestehen für mich, wenn ich in China einkaufe oder mit Ihnen zusammenarbeite?
Sie haben grundsätzlich keine Risiken. Wir übernehmen den Einkauf für Sie und Sie können sich auf unsere Kontrollen verlassen. Wenn Sie Zeit haben, nach China zu kommen, können Sie uns während des Produktionsprozesses besuchen. Sie haben Zugang zu unseren Kontaktnetzwerken und unserem Verkaufsteam. Wir werden Ihre Produkte genauso ernst nehmen wie unsere. Sie brauchen nicht zu reisen, wenn Sie das nicht wollen, denn Sie haben kompetente Partner in China.

5) Ich kann den Lieferanten für meine Produkte selbst finden, warum brauche ich Sie?
Sie können dies tun. Allerdings werden Ihre Investitionen viel höher sein. Außerdem haben Sie keinen lokalen Partner, der den Markt kennt und Ihnen Zugang zu einem Netzwerk von Möglichkeiten verschaffen kann.
Um Ihre Produkte aus China zu beziehen, benötigen Sie ein Büro vor Ort, um Verträge mit den Lieferanten zu unterzeichnen, und ein Ingenieurteam, das von Zeit zu Zeit Qualitäts- und Mengenkontrollen durchführt. Sie müssen über die Rohstoffquellen Bescheid wissen, und das Wichtigste ist, dass Sie eine Fremdbeschaffung vermeiden.

6) Wie sind Sie strukturiert?
Wir haben verschiedene Abteilungen, die jeweils auf jeden einzelnen Aspekt spezialisiert sind. Wir können logistische Unterstützung, Unterstützung bei der Beschaffung, Unterstützung bei Inspektionen und rechtliche Unterstützung bieten.

7) Ist dieser Dienst nur für große Unternehmen gedacht?
Nein, wir sind sicher, dass Sie beim ersten Mal, wenn Sie mit uns zusammenarbeiten, warmes Vertrauen bekommen werden, um Ihr Geschäft mit uns zu behalten, da unsere Beziehung auf Ehrlichkeit und gegenseitigem Nutzen basiert, so dass Sie in Zukunft Ihr Geschäft vergrößern werden. Wir kümmern uns um Sie und machen Sie viel stärker als zuvor. Wir gehen gemeinsam von Stärke zu Stärke.

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