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Gears are mechanical transmission elements with teeth that are used to transfer movement and power between machine parts. We discussed the different types of gears available and how the gears work. The gears operate in pairs, so that their teeth mesh with the teeth of another corresponding gear or toothed component, thereby preventing slippage during transmission. Each gear or toothed part is connected to the machine shaft or base part, so when the driving gear (that is, the gear that provides the initial rotation input) rotates with its shaft part, the driven gear (that is, the gear or toothed part) is driven The impact of the gear and display the final output) rotate or translate its shaft assembly. According to the design and structure of the gear pair, the transmission of motion between the drive shaft and the driven shaft will cause the rotation or the direction of motion to change. In addition, if the sizes of the gears are not equal, the machine or system has mechanical advantages so that the output speed and torque can be changed.

Spur Gears

The most common type of gears employed, spur gears are constructed with straight teeth cut or inserted parallel to the gear’s shaft on a circular (i.e., cylindrical) gear body. In mated pairs, these gears employ the parallel axes configuration to transmit motion and power. Depending on the application, they can be mated with another spur gear, an internal gear (such as in a planetary gear system), or a gear rack (such as in a rack and pinion gear pair).

The simplicity of the spur gear tooth design allows for both a high degree of precision and easier manufacturability. Other characteristics of spur gears include lack of axial load (i.e., the thrust force parallel to the gear shaft), high-speed and high-load handling, and high efficiency rates. Some of the disadvantages of spur gears are the amount of stress experienced by the gear teeth and noise produced during high-speed applications.

This type of gear is used for a wide range of speed ratios in a variety of mechanical applications, such as clocks, pumps, watering systems, power plant machinery, material handling equipment, and clothes washing and drying machines. If necessary for an application, multiple (i.e., more than two) spur gears can be used in a gear train to provide higher gear reduction.

Helical Gears

Similar to spur gears, винтови зъбни колела typically employ the parallel axes configuration with mated gear pairs, but, if aligned properly, they can also be used to drive non-parallel, non-intersecting shafts. However, unlike spur gears, these gears are constructed with teeth which twist around the cylindrical gear body at an angle to the gear face. Helical gears are produced with right-hand and left-hand angled teeth with each gear pair comprised of a right-hand and left-hand gear of the same helix angle.

The angled design of helical teeth causes them to engage with other gears differently than the straight teeth of spur gears. As properly matched helical gears come in contact with one another, the level of contact between corresponding teeth increases gradually, rather than engaging the entire tooth at once. This gradual engagement allows for less impact loading on the gear teeth and smoother, quieter operation. Helical gears are also capable of greater load capabilities but operate with less efficiency than spur gears. Further disadvantages include the complexity of the helical tooth design, which increases the degree of difficulty in its manufacturing (and, consequently, the cost) and the fact that the single helical gear tooth design produces axial thrust, which necessitates the employment of thrust bearings in any application which uses single helical gears. This latter necessity further increases the total cost of using helical gears.

Type of Gear



  • Most common type of gear
  • Circular gear body
  • Straight teeth cut or inserted parallel to the gear’s shaft
  • Used for parallel axes configuration
  • Mated with spur gears, internal gears, or gear racks
  • High precision and efficiency (A)
  • Easy to manufacture (A)
  • Does not produce thrust force (A)
  • Capable of handling high speed and high loads (A)
  • Gear teeth experience high stress due to tooth design (D)
  • Noise production during high speeds (D)


  • Circular gear body
  • Teeth twisted at an angle around gear body
  • Used for parallel axes configuration
  • Available in right-hand and left-hand designs
  • Available in single and double helical designs
  • Gradual tooth engagement and less impact loading (A)
  • Quieter, smoother operation (A)
  • Capable of handling greater loads (A)
  • Lower efficiency (D)
  • Higher design complexity, greater cost of manufacturing (D)
  • Single helical design products thrust force (D), double helical does not (A)


  • Cone-shaped gear body
  • Used for intersecting axes configuration
  • Available in straight, spiral, and Zerol® bevel tooth designs
  • Straight: simplest bevel gear design and easiest to manufacture (A); high impact, noise level, and stress (D)
  • Spiral: gradual tooth engagement and less impact loading, noise, and vibration (A); higher design complexity and greater cost of manufacturing (D)
  • Zerol®: Quieter and smoother than straight bevel, able to rotate in both directions unlike spiral bevel (A)


  • Pair comprised of a circular gear and a screw-shaped gear
  • Used for non-parallel, non-intersecting axes configuration
  • Large gear ratios and gear reduction (A)
  • Quiet, smooth operation (A)
  • Self-locking mechanism (A)
  • Low transmission efficiency (D)
  • Large amounts of friction (D)

Rack and Pinion

  • Pair comprised of a gear rack and cylindrical gear
  • Used for parallel axes configuration
  • Rack mated with spur or helical gear
  • Converts rotational motion to linear motion or vice versa
  • Simple design, easy to manufacture (A)
  • Capable of handling greater loads (A)
  • Transmission cannot continue infinitely in one direction (D)
  • Large amount of backlash between mated teeth (D)
  • Gear teeth experience high friction and stress due to tooth design (D)

Bevel Gears

Bevel gears are cone-shaped gears with teeth placed along the conical surface. These gears are used to transmit motion and power between intersecting shafts in applications which require changes to the axis of rotation. Typically, bevel gears are employed for shaft configurations placed at 90-degree angles, but configurations with lesser or greater angles are also manageable.

There are several types of bevel gears available differentiated mainly by their tooth design. Some of the more common types of bevel gears include straight, spiral, and hzpt bevel gears.

Straight Bevel Gears

The most commonly used of the bevel gear tooth designs due to its simplicity and, consequently, its ease of manufacturing, straight bevel teeth are designed such that when properly matched straight bevel gears come into contact with one another, their teeth engage together all at once rather than gradually. As is the issue with spur gears, the engagement of straight bevel gear teeth results in high impact, increasing the level of noise produced and amount of stress experienced by the gear teeth, as well as reducing their durability and lifespan.

Spiral Bevel Gears

In spiral bevel gears, the teeth are angled and curved to provide for more gradual tooth engagement and more tooth-to-tooth contact than with a straight bevel gear. This design greatly reduces the vibration and noise produced, especially at high angular velocities (>1,000 rpm). Like helical gears, spiral bevel gears are available with right-hand or left-hand angled teeth. As is also the case with helical gears, these gears are more complex and difficult to manufacture (and, consequently, more expensive), but offer greater tooth strength, smoother operation, and lower levels of noise during operation than straight bevel gears.

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За да купувате продуктите си от Китай, трябва да имате местен офис за подписване на договори с доставчици, екип от инженери, който да извършва периодично проверки на качеството и количеството. Трябва да знаете за източниците на суровини и важното е да избягвате всякакви външни доставки.

6) Как сте структурирани?
Имаме различни отдели, всеки от които е специализиран във всеки един аспект. Можем да осигурим логистична помощ, помощ за снабдяване, помощ при инспекции и правна помощ.

7) Тази услуга само за големи корпорации ли е?
Не, ние сме сигурни, че от първия път корпорация ще получите топло доверие да запази бизнеса си с нас, тъй като нашите взаимоотношения, основани на честност и взаимни ползи, така че в бъдеще ще се разшири вашия бизнес. Ние се грижим за вас и ви караме да бъдете много по-силни от преди. Заедно да вървим от сила към сила.

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